Content Creation (Spec) (Editing || Slotting)

Immediately after a story is approved by the desk:

  1. Set the Slug in a new article asset and send it in your Slack channel for sked.
    • SPC-HCN-1101-StoryTitle
  2. Set the Workflow as digital_and_print and the process as draft.
  3. Add a Section tag for the story category. (These are your ONLY choices!)
  4. Add one (and ONLY one) Publication tag in the same spot.
    • (Category tag from Step 3 MUST be top of list! It should look like this.)
  5. If you save here, previous step automatically adds a site tag, now you MUST "Set as Origin" by right-clicking on the top site listed.
  6. Set the Date for at least two days in future. And set the time for 6:00 AM
  7. Populate body, headline, and summary
    • Web headline
    • Body copy Don't forget your tagline (last graf and italicized)! (Do not put in tagline if you are columnist)
    • Author
    • Summary
    • SEO headline and description (Extra step here for COLUMNISTS)
    • Print headline and deck
  8. Add photo
    • Publish to BLOX from EMMA (*Filename is PUBLIC*)
    • Find as a Child Asset
    • Search for image
    • Add to selections || Then Add selected assets
    • Edit (by double-clicking on each one) the photo title, caption and byline.
  9. File slug to #reporter-editor in Slack when story is ready for desk.
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