Editing (Slotting || Content Creation (Spec))

  1. Workflow: should align with what you’re expecting, i.e. live-edit if sent to the CEC after it was published or review if it was sent to the local editor for edits.
  2. Byline or Authors:
    1. Byline when contributors don't have an author profile in the system.
    2. Authors are people (like you) who have an author profile in the system.
    3. Empty for news/crime briefs.
  3. Hyperlinks are correct, especially email addresses and phone numbers. Click on the hyperlink so your cursor is on the copy, then click the hyperlink button to review. Click on the right side of the link if you need the option to remove a hyperlink.
  4. Special formatting: Bold or italics are fine separately, but not combined; underline is not used.
  5. Subhead: use Heading 2 (i.e. Format: Heading 2).
  6. Summary: Required field. Should be populated. Don’t use bold/italics/hyperlinks/etc.
  7. Tagline: Contributing writers’ taglines go here in italics. Must be populated when the Byline field is used.
  8. SEO title: required it must be 60 or fewer characters.
  9. SEO description: can be a copy-paste of summary. Should be between 120-160 characters.
  10. Canonical URL should be set to the real article page and should not include hub.metroland.com. The asset needs to be in edit mode or higher before this information becomes visible. If the URL is short, such as guelphmercury.com, then your reporter has put it in manually. Please remove the information and hit save. Blox will automatically adjust.
  11. Slug: required on every story. Naming convention is newsroom code, desk code for dailies (e.g. ART, BUS, EDT, LOC, SPE, SPO), date, your initials and first parts of headline separated by dashes, e.g. YRK-1005-JD-Region-tackles-homelessness or SPC-LOC-1005-JD-Region-tackles-homelessness. Case sensitive.
  12. Sections accordion:
    1. Category: At least one real article category (e.g. news, food and drink, opinion, etc.) is required in the first spot.
    2. Publication: One publication and one publication only (e.g. Oakville Beaver or insidehaltoncom) must be selected.
  13. Keywords accordion: Should have at least one keyword. Internal keywords must have a hashtag in front, e.g. #dandi, #helpme, #newsicanrelateto.
  14. Sites accordion: One site must be marked as origin site.
  15. Child assets accordion:
    1. Photos: should have a title, byline and caption. Photographers field is not used. Photos should not have a workflow or section tags. Photos shouldn’t have a “do not publish” symbol present (common on duplicated photos).
    2. Other assets: check that tweets, videos and other content are accurate and have a proper title. HTML elements should not have a workflow.
  16. Sibling assets accordion: Related stories should go here.
  17. Content accordion: Fact box and pull quote are added here. Open each by double-clicking.
  18. Miscellaneous properties: the do not publish, disallow reactions and disallow user commenting are officially handled by automation. Do NOT touch.
  19. Subheadline: web deck.
  20. Tips for Editors

  21. Use the draft checkbox when you’re editing a published asset. Remember to uncheck once you’re ready to push your changes to the web.
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